Labels:audio cd | bicycle | person | refrigerator | sky OCR: huckabees 239-14AR 402-7 245-7 91-31A 280-32 174-16R 242-11A 214-20AR 334-20A 350-6AR 167-23R 161 -6A 373-32A 367-19 ILH-85-25R 271-5AR Documents Included Captions. dox and Production Notes.doc TM and 2004 Twentieth Century Fox All rights reserved Property of Fox Permission granted and periodicals in reproduce this press kit in articles publicizing the distribution of the motion picture This press ki in whole or in part, mus not leased, sola or given away To license any materia contained please contact Fox Clip Licensing Department al 310 369-3605 Ineluded material